

Antioxidant Supplementation Hinders the Role of Exercise Training as a Natural Activator of SIRT1
Carmine Sellitto et.al
Nutrients. 2022 May 17;14(10):2092

SIRT1, activated during ET, can counteract aging and age-associated diseases by increasing the cellular antioxidant capacity and improving mitochondrial biogenesis [13,14,15]
However, the ET-related effects, including SIRT1 activation, strongly depend on the type, intensity, and duration of the training [16,17,18,19].
However, these beneficial effects can be eliminated when aerobic training is performed at a greater workload [17].


Materials and Methods
One of them (MDR-S) consumed, every training day and in conjunction with meals, antioxidant supplementation (S) consisting of 240 mg vitamin C and 15 mg vitamin E, together with 861 mg sodium, 555 mg chlorine, 381 mg potassium, and 66 mg magnesium.

The main finding of this study is that aerobic ET combined with an exogenous source of antioxidants is associated with an increase in systemic antioxidant capacity but not in SIRT1 activity. 

On the other hand, an accumulation of oxidative stress during ET can lead to damage of all cellular constituents and could impair athletic performance [26]. For this reason, athletes often resort to antioxidant supplementation, including vitamins E and C, to prevent or reduce possible ET-related negative effects, especially muscle damage [26,27].
持久的な運動中の酸化ストレスの蓄積は、細胞の損傷につながり運動能力を低下させる可能性がある[26]。アスリートは、持久的な運動によるある悪影響、特に筋肉の損傷を予防または軽減するために、ビタミンEやCなどの抗酸化物質の補給に頼ることが多い [26,27].

An exogenous source of antioxidants could interfere with ET-related outcomes, leading to effects that are actually detrimental rather than beneficial.

Similarly, the effects of daily intake of vitamins C and E were investigated using muscle samples [32]. Paulsen et al., in a double-blind randomized controlled trial, observed that ET-related muscle adaptations were hindered in athletes taking 1000 mg of vitamin C and 235 mg of vitamin E daily for 11 weeks.


A review including crossover and controlled trials highlighted mixed results. Some studies reported that vitamin C at a dosage of more than 1 g daily could impair physical performance through a possible reduction in mitochondrial biogenesis, while others did not observe a statistically significant impact [36].


version.3: ビタミンCとEの摂取は筋肥大に効果ないどころか (tf-ver3.blogspot.com)




Vitamin C–enriched gelatin supplementation before intermittent activity augments collagen synthesis
Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Jan; 105(1): 136–143.
Gregory Shaw, Ann Lee-Barthel, Megan LR Ross, Bing Wang, and Keith Baar








Current Clinical Concepts: Conservative Management of Achilles Tendinopathy

Karin Grävare Silbernagel, PhD, PT, ATC, Shawn Hanlon, MS, ATC, CSCS, and Andrew Sprague, DPT, MS, PT
J Athl Train. 2020 May; 55(5): 438–447.doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-356-19

Key Points
・Achilles tendinopathy is a clinical diagnosis based on localized tendon pain and swelling and pain with activities.
・Exercise that provides mechanical loading of the Achilles tendon is the treatment with the highest level of evidence.
・Treatment should focus on activity modification and progressive tendon-loading exercises.
・Full recovery of symptoms does not ensure full recovery of function or tendon structure.
・The best prevention is to recognize early “minor” symptoms and treat with load control.


Injury Mechanism
The Achilles tendon is mechanoresponsive, meaning it will adapt to the loading demands placed on the tissue.9,12 The exact cause of tendinopathy varies; however, the most common cause in athletes is excessive loading with inadequate recovery time between training sessions.13


Risk Factors
The risk for developing Achilles tendinopathy is considered multifactorial, with intrinsic or extrinsic risk factors that relate to causing either decreased load tolerance of the tendon or movement patterns that overload the tendon.16 Decreased plantar-flexor strength, deficits in hip neuromuscular control, abnormal ankle dorsiflexion and subtalar-joint range of motion, increased foot pronation, and increased body weight are intrinsic risk factors that can be addressed during treatment.16


The treatment with the highest level of evidence for Achilles tendinopathy is exercise rehabilitation (Table 2).6,16,33 



Recovery Phase
The aim of the recovery phase is to regain the strength of the calf muscles and improve the Achilles tendon's tolerance to load (Table 3). Exercises are performed daily. As symptoms subside and calf-muscle function improves, the exercises are progressed by increasing the number of repetitions, range of motion, and speed of movement.


Our return-to-sport program is based on the premise that the tendon tissue requires a longer recovery from heavy loading activities (36–72 hours), whereas lighter activities can be performed more often.47

Light-level activities can be performed daily, medium-level activities need to be followed by 2 recovery days, and high-level activities need to be followed by 3 days of recovery


We therefore propose that the best prevention is to recognize the early “minor” symptoms and treat these with load control (adjusting training loads) instead of ignoring them or only addressing the symptoms.

